View Profile World-Wide-Wacko

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Recent Movie Reviews

4 Movie Reviews


That shit sucked. So boring and arty. Why waste what is obviously a good artist on such a shit movie. Sorry dude, but do something cool, not that crazy crap to the sound of techno.

Skititlez responds:

Why thank you. :P

Not as good.

Good but I like your old one better. This one seemed more sterile. Sure, the graphics were better but there was less feeling. Still excellent work.

I Hate You

You said it wouldn't be funny unless you have seen the movie... I've seen the movie, it still sucked. That wasn't funny. You ruined an awersome movie. I hate you.
I gave you an okay score in sound just 'cause I liked the music that was from the movie.
To reitarate: I hate you.

Recent Game Reviews

1 Game Review

Not bad actually

Look it wasn't great but it was quite good. You have a pretty cool style... kinda reminicent of the Madness series. The tweening sucked a bit, as did the generic flash sound effects. Your colour were good but what's with Farmer Jo etc?
The maze was diffrent and the games were ok.
NB: Any one watching keep watching after he says "Look what I've found"


moosehopper9322 responds:

Thanks for the comments about my style, it took me a while to think of a style to match my terrible artistic skills and that comment did make me happy :).

Yeah, I admit your right about the tweening and animation stufff, but I hope to get better with flash as I make more and more. The Farmer Jo and Father Jo bit was kinda just a joke that my mate came up with.

- Moosehopper

Age 36, Male

Joined on 9/25/03

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